Virginia Ruth McClure Webb (Mama Ruth) 98 of Hendersonville, NC went to be with the Lord on Sunday, February 13, 2022.
She lived a simple but extraordinary life, leading by example more than words. She loved Jesus and reading her Bible especially loved the book of John.
Ruth was born to the late H.V. McClure and Margie Inez Burch McClure. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Herbert O. Webb, son; Joe H. Webb, Grandsons; Mark Webb, Stanley Huntley, brothers Conward McClure and Virgle McClure, sisters Ann Wells and Betty Rahn. Son in Law; Ronnie S. Huntley, Daughters in law, Moni Webb, Pam Webb.
Those left to Cherish Mama Ruth’s memory are her daughter Linda W. Huntley, Sons Jim Webb and Jack Webb. Sisters; Mildred Souther and Joan Allison. Sister–in–Law; Reva McClure. Grandchildren, Steve Huntley (Beverly), Kim Banks (Tim), Joe Webb (Lori) Shawn Easter (Rebecca). Ten Great Grandchildren, 7 Great Great Grandchildren. Several nieces and nephews and a host of friends.
A graveside service will be held on Tuesday March 1, at 11:00 am at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Hendersonville.
Condolence cards and flowers may be sent to the family at www.jacksonfuneralservice.com or to 1101 Greenville Highway, Hendersonville, NC 28793.
Mama Ruth married the love of her life Daddy Herbert, (Herbert O. Webb) in 1940 and was blessed with 4 Children. Linda W Huntley, Jim Webb, Joe Webb, and Jack Webb. Their love story was a great example for all of us kids.
Some other memories from my childhood at Mama Ruth’s are the smell of her clean clothes hanging on the line and swinging on the fitted sheets. Playing in the freshly tilled dirt, picking asparagus and many other vegetables. Breaking beans for days at a time, telling us it was better than eating a snowball. Shucking corn, feeding the pigs and little kittens coming out from under the house. When we would spend the night at her house and she would play a records of classical music. She also loved listening to Puppet on a String, and GI Blues from Elvis. Instead of us grandkids driving her crazy with baby shark, we had “Puff the Magic Dragon”, and the “One Eyed One Horn Flying Purple People Eater” that we would play over and over on her record player. She had a beautiful voice for singing too. She was a great fan of chocolate.
She loved her family and was love by many. She was always active working with her hands to preserve food from her garden for her family. She was always proud of her flowers and had beautiful gardens,
she also shared her love for hard work and was happy to teach you an easier or better way. She made beautiful quilts, embroidering, tatting, sewing and was a genius at being frugal. There are a few sayings that come to mind that she would repeat often. “Walk tall and straight.” “Your health is your wealth.” “Things are going to wax worse and worse!” “Things are going to get tough, so tie a knot in the end of your rope and hang on because God has the other end.” And when you would complement her on her spotless house she would say, “I love your rose–colored glasses.”
One thing she passed down is a love for gardening… The following song could have been written just for
her because to me it’s sums up all that she taught me. Most importantly is that she would see her family
and friends in heaven with her.
See you at the house Mama Ruth!
Sow Mercy
I can see her now, her weathered skin
Old red hat and pretty grin
And she said child, let’s make this garden grow.
Let’s till the soil, and pull some weeds
And here’s your bag of precious seeds
‘Causegrandma’s got a secret you should know
You always reap exactly what you sow
Sow mercy
Sow grace
Sow kindness
Sow faith
Words are like water, sprinkled with love
You will harvest all your heart’s been dreaming of
Sow mercy
We knelt right there and shetook my hand
That patch of dirt was Holy land
And she said child I learned this long ago
Oh, you can bless or curse
You can live or die
You choose the crop you want in life
That’s the greatest secret Grandma knows
You always reap exactly what you sow
Repeat ‘Cause one day God forbid, you act a fool
And fall down hard and fast, ’cause life is cruel
If you ever reached to help a friend
A hand you held might lift you up again
What goes around comes back around you know
You always reap exactly what you sow
Sow grace
Sow kindness
Sow faith
Words are like water, sprinkled with love
You will harvest all your heart’s been dreaming of
Sow mercy
Words and Music by Reba Rambo–McGuire and Dony McGuire sung by the Gaither Vocal Band.