Jul 22, 2023

Sherry Preisler, 77, of Hendersonville, passed away Friday, July 21, 2023.

On Friday, July 21, 2023 at approximately 9:15 PM Sherry Preisler passed away from a sudden, totally unexpected, massive heart attack. Emergency surgery at Pardee Hospital for a blocked heart valve was unsuccessful.

Prior to her passing, she and her 16-year-old grandniece were attempting to harvest a fennel plant which Sherry had diligently nurtured and was hoping to incorporate into the evening meal. Either the afternoon heat or her recent challenges with A-Fib or both, was the suspected cause of her sudden collapse.

The EMS was quick to respond and transported her directly to the Pardee Cardiac Emergency Unit where the bypass surgery was performed. Shortly thereafter she succumbed in the ICU unit.

She is survived by her husband, Wolfgang and her sister, Pricilla Purser of Jacksonville FL as well as a number of nieces in Florida and New York.

Sherry is a graduate of Florida State University where she met her husband. Both graduated with a degree in International Affairs. They married immediately after graduation in 1968, from there they moved to numerous domestic and foreign career assignments. As a “trailing spouse” she enthusiastically took on a variety of financial related jobs until her husband completed his 30-year career with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration as the DEA County Attaché in Bonn, Germany. They subsequently moved to Flat Rock, North Carolina in 2000.

Her numerous cultural experiences abroad in a diplomatic environment expanded her horizons and made her the interesting extraverted person she became. Highly intelligent and confident she could hold her own in any situation and excel when the road became tough. Her grasp for foreign languages and her frequent aborted jobs in the financial sector added to her uniqueness. Her love for Pilates and Golf allowed her to develop everlasting friendships both here and abroad.

She had great admiration for her father, a well-known South Florida banker who was the founder and president of the Palm Beach Savings & Loan Association and later served as the president of the United States Savings & Loan League in which position, he represented the U.S. banking community domestically and abroad, often accompanied by Sherry which furthered her interest in the financial world.

Just as Sherry admired her father, Wolfgang had nothing but the greatest admiration for Sherry, not only for her intellect but also for her charm and beauty and her take charge personality.

She will be greatly missed.