Maryanna “Ann” Evans, 82, of Hendersonville, NC passed away Saturday August 10, 2019 in her home.
Maryanna “Ann” Evans, born 11/24/1936 in Chicago, Illinois was adopted by her parents Louis and Anna Urban their only child. Ann grew up as an intelligent, tinancious and quick witted woman. Ann may have found a little trouble due to her penchant to ‘tell it like it is, regardless’.
It May be those very traits that fueled the flames in the heart of the Love of her Life; Ron Evans. Ann sadly lost her Love just nine months ago after 43 years of marriage. Ron and Ann were dynamic in all ways, working their way into founding and running a very sucessful Insurance Company. That success, along with their love for adventure and travel in their magic rainbow bus across the majority of this United States which brought them many precious memories and friends.
Ann was a skilled artist in painting, drawing, decorating, gardening, jewelry creation, and cooking. And of course anyone who knew Ann, knew she loved a good cause or fight –except when it was Ann vs. technology– and you definitely wanted Ann on your side. These last years Ann devoured books for pure pleasure or in persuit of knowledge for herself as well as to impart to others.
Ann is survived by five children, six grand children and six great grand children. The number of friends and associates whom she loved, respected and yearned to connect with are nearly countless.
We have lost a deeply loving mother, grand and great grand mother, a sincere and devoted friend and compainion.
Still: there is a profound joy in knowing that Ron and Ann are once more united; this time in the Love, Grace and Mercy of God.
A visitation will be held at 11:00 am Saturday, August 17 to be followed by a service at the Chapel In The Pines of Jackson Funeral Service located at 1101 Greenville Hwy in Hendersonville.
Condolence cards may be sent to the family at www.jacksonfuneralservice.com or to Po Box 945, Hendersonville, NC 28793.